Analyzing Profit Margins FAQs Part 1: Perceptions

Can our personal beliefs about money influence our company’s success?

How do our perceptions impact business decisions?

Why is the “Fake It Till You Make It” mindset dangerous?

I answer these questions—and much more—in my Live Facebook Video. Check out the recorded video here, or read the transcript below (including bonus content!)

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What to Do When You Realize Your Customer Is Not a Good Fit

Customer service is a critical part of growing a healthy business. Every successful business owner creates an environment that attracts and serves the needs of Ideal Customers, regardless of her or his personal preferences.

But what happens when a customer is not a great fit for your business? What should you do?

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What You Can Do to Boost Risk Intelligence After Losing Staff

If you own a business, you are responsible for every detail in your company: hiring, firing, and everything in between.

When a key employee hands you their resignation letter… what is your typical response?

Do you feel alarmed, frustrated, nervous, or angry?

Are you afraid of what could go wrong?

Without a clearly defined processes to deal with unexpected turnover in your company, you will be facing a lot of unknowns. Risk Intelligence is the ability to perceive what could happen before it happens.

If you feel blindsided by a sudden resignation, or shocked by events that forced you to fire key staff members, then it’s time to boost your level of risk intelligence.

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5 Reasons to Share a “Year In Review” of Your Business

Facing the good and bad of the past year takes courage, especially in re-living painful experiences. But self-evaluating the highs and lows in your past year is just the first step.

Sharing your findings with the entire world takes it to a whole new level.

In this post, I’ll talk about the benefits and downsides of making your Year In Review public, and why we’re afraid to fail.

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Dante’s Inferno From a Strategic Perspective

When you hear the words “Dante” and “Inferno,” your initial thought is probably something like this:

  • Some guy named Dante wrote it a long time ago
  • It’s a book about the levels of hell
  • The Catholic faith has something to do with it
  • There’s something about “comedy,” but not in the traditional sense
  • I might have read the book in high school

Up until recently, that’s pretty much all I knew about this classic work. But what gems of wisdom are hidden in those lyrical texts? I decided to find out.

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What Happened When I Became an “Employee For a Day”

Do you ever go through an “a-ha moment” that suddenly makes you aware of a totally new perspective?

That happened to me a few years ago. Like many top-level leaders, I had slowly and imperceptibly developed “Corporate Ladder Bias” during my transition from employee to executive. This subconscious change occurs when our field of vision is consumed with all the problems and headaches at the management level. We become blind to the day-to-day frustrations of what I call the “Foundational Staff.” These are employees at the lowest levels of an organization, including:

  • Housekeeping
  • Direct Customer/Patient Care
  • Food Service (or Dietary)
  • Maintenance (or Physical Plant)

foundational staff, organizational roles, organizational chart, housekeeping, direct care, food service, maintenance
Grace LaConte’s 4 Types of Foundational Staff

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